Billions Of Dollars in Fraud Exposed in Jordan's Principle Program
Allegations were made today on Reddit about widespread fraud in the Jordan's Principle Program. The idea behind Jordan's Principle (JP) was to provide funding for medical needs for Indigenous children. However, as so often happens with government programs, JP payouts were quickly abused. Hot water tanks, hotel stays, rent payments, back taxes, and an extension on a house were just some of the spurious claims approved by this ridiculous slush fund. As of its inception, 6.44 billion has been spent on JP requests, with 1.6 billion being spent in 2024 alone. Corruption among the Indian bands is nothing new. Recently, allegations were made in court by lawyers representing " 7475323 Manitoba Ltd". The allegations describe how the Southern Chiefs' Organization Grand Chief Jerry Daniels abused his authority to try to get out of making mortgage payments on a condo he owns in Winnipeg. Specifically, he threatened to quash a $20-million land deal between the Southern Chie...